Bumper Stickers or Not?

Today, I drove up behind a car that had all those oval stickers on the back.  NV.  HH.  OBX.  CW.  FS.  NY.  XX. LB.  Okay, I made those last few up, but I was sitting there looking at them – wondering what the heck did most of them mean.

Did the driver really visit all those places? Or, is it a case of Flat Stanley?  Does it count if your friends send you the oval stickers and you put them on your car?  Okay, enough questions.  

I’ll do my own analysis since this is my blog.  I think this person/family loves to go places.  I wonder if they actually see where they go or if they just arrive there to get the sticker.  Never having been much of a bumper sticker person, I will ask you.  Yes or no on these public displays of travel?  Should I have gotten one in Gdansk?  How about Rome?  Breckenridge?  Stockholm?  If I don’t show you that I’ve been there, have I really been there? Wait – I wasn’t going to ask anymore questions.  Yet, I live to question.  

What do you think? (Last question.)


1 thought on “Bumper Stickers or Not?

  1. Bumper stickers are a lifetime passion. Among favorites is one on a wreck. By wreck I mean it was to wrecks what Babe Ruth was to baseball. No part of this vehicle was not crumpled, bent, broken, smashed and trashed. It was on the back of a tow truck that clearly was taking it to a scrap metal yard, since no other destiny could befall such a disaster. The bumper sticker read, “I hate everybody.” Yes, I bet you do, little wadded up piece of junk. What about those bumper stickers that evolved? “Visualize World Peace,” followed by “Visualize Whirled Peas,” and finally, “Visualize No Liberals.” I may be a strident, insufferable liberal, but I did love that last one. When a conservative has a sense of humor, I have hope. It is beyond me why anybody would print a bumper sticker that can’t be read. Are these parking lot only stickers? And please don’t put your church, high school, college, or trade association on a sticker. Give us a message. I have four or five on my bumper and will likely add others. The one that always gets a laugh is “Hippie Chicks Rule.” Don’t you know it? Especially you former hippie chicks?

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